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Smokin' G Pipe Tobacco Smooth Golden Blend 8 oz. Bag

In Stock

Delivery Time : 4-9 Business Days


Designed for those that prefer the mellowed version of the stronger tobacco leaf, the legendary Smokin' G Golden Pipe Tobacco Blend is a concoction crafted primarily for those that prefer to tender their senses a gentler treatment. Designed from the same great ingredients including the Virginia and Burley tobaccos that have been expertly cured to promote flavor this product boasts an exquisite taste that is reminiscent of perfection with every ignition. Made exclusively for both roll your owns and pipes this pipe tobacco is cut evenly and expertly in order to render the best smoking experience possible with great consistency and extended burning durations.

Crafted by professionals at Tobacco Outlet Express, LLC this Smooth Golden blend is engineered to appease some of the pickiest tastes available on the market. Made with a plastic incision on the double packaging, this packaging solution solution not only preserves freshness and quality but allows for consumers to peek at the texture of the contents within prior to purchase. Look no further than this product, for this will satisfy your cravings on every level.